Real Talk: Mom-to-Mom Career Advice

Are you a mom thinking of a career shift, or are you already navigating this often overwhelming path? Just know that you're not alone! Below are quotes from a recent survey where I asked several moms who've successfully weathered career transitions what advice they’d give, and they've generously shared their insights. Here's what they had to say, along with some practical themes that emerged:

1. Self-Exploration and Networking

"Take time for self exploration and connecting with people who are doing what you want to do to learn from others and be inspired."

Key Theme: Kickstart your journey with self-discovery and connections. Learn from those who've been there to inspire and guide your own path. Reach out to friends, mentors, and start building connections because you never know when someone will inspire you with their career steps. 

2. Financial Preparation

"Save more $$ for start-up costs. Website, CRM, all the monthly subscriptions. It put me in the red for longer than anticipated."

Key Theme: Financial readiness is a must, especially if you're considering a new business. Prepare for startup costs to avoid financial stress. Even if you're not starting a business, budgeting ahead of your transition will provide peace of mind.

3. Seek Help and Delegate

"Make sure that your workload is not doubled because you go back to work. Teach that it’s okay to ask for help—and actually budget for help. You will always be the default. And it’s not sustainable."

Key Theme: Don't hesitate to ask for help and allocate a budget for it. Taking on too much isn't sustainable. Delegate tasks to maintain balance, just as Eve Rodsky suggests in her work on 'Fair Play,' where she encourages equitable task-sharing to keep life manageable. 

4. Embrace Change and Flexibility

"Accepting a path different from the norm or what you might have imagined for yourself or thought was important might be part of the work."

Key Theme: Be open to change and flexibility. Your career transition may take you down an unexpected path. Embrace the journey as it unfolds.

5. Self-Care and Priorities

"Take time for self as a priority, dig deep to understand priorities, values, and personal skills to see if a career change makes sense and really understand your finances."

Key Theme: Prioritize self-care and reflection. Evaluate your values, skills, and financial situation. Ensure your career change aligns with your life priorities.

6. Avoid Perfectionism and Take It Slow

"It's overwhelming being a mother. Adding a career on top of motherhood doubles the overwhelm. Piling a career transition onto that, and it can become a festival of anxiety. My advice is to take things slowly, with presence and devotion. Avoid getting fixated on accomplishing everything at once. Also, obliterate the notions of perfection."

Key Theme: Recognize that motherhood is already demanding. Don't attempt to do everything at once and release the quest for perfection. Focus on gradual progress and maintain a sustainable pace.

Embarking on a career transition as a mom isn't a small feat. With the wisdom shared by these experienced mothers, I hope you've found some practical guidance to navigate this journey. A career transition that reflects more of what’s important to you is an opportunity for a more fulfilling life!

Considering a transition? Book a 90-minute career strategy session and let’s reignite your career confidence together. Learn more.


I'm a Mom and a Career Coach: 6 Tips for Making a Career Transition