Slow Yourself Down

In our fast-moving world, it’s challenging to slow down. We’re always on the go, always trying to make things happen faster, trying to quickly finish that big project at work, or get that next promotion.

And most of us think it’s unnecessary to slow down and make time for rest. Some of us go through the day so quickly we don’t remember what we did. We go through the motions of life without really being present in what we’re doing. We’re stressed and have been consistently for the past few years for many external reasons.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “close to two-thirds of adults (63%) said their life has been forever changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the new survey. In addition, the survey revealed widespread grief and sense of loss, continued hardships for vulnerable populations, concerns for children’s development among parents, and entrenched, unhealthy coping habits.”

Slowing down, resetting, and being present are 3 simple strategies that are incredibly important in times of stress. What a lot of people don’t realize is that by doing these things, you can actually increase your productivity and creativity, maintain good health, and avoid bad habits.

To decrease your stress levels, here are some simple and easy-to-get-done strategies:

Slow down

  1. Clear the Clutter: The act of clearing clutter actually helps you declutter your mind. Excess items have an impact on your ability to focus and process information. Declutter your environment, your calendar, and your finances for 15 minutes each day and you’ll find both a sense of accomplishment and ease.

  2. Breathe: During my coaching certification journey, I learned ways to optimize health and what stress does to your body. What has been the most effective for me personally to reduce stress is simply to breathe intentionally. People forget to breathe when they are busy and overwhelmed. There are many types of breathing techniques but my favorite is the 5:5:7 method. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and breathe out for 7 seconds. Even Navy Seals do breath work!

Be Present

  1. Actively Listen: Do you ever find yourself thinking of how to respond to someone instead of actually listening to what they have to say? When you are fully present with someone and with the world around you, you’re focusing on the now, not the past or the future. Oftentimes, thinking about the past or future can overwhelm you. However, the truth is that you can’t change the past or really predict or completely control the future. Being in the present moment allows you to take advantage of the life in front of you.

  2. Notice the Little Things: If you’re going through life quickly, you’re probably not paying as much attention to what surrounds you. Try the exercise of using all 5 senses to experience your environment. Savor the smell, taste, and warmth of your coffee in the morning. Notice the sounds of nature outside. An added benefit of mindfulness while you eat or drink something is that you activate your parasympathetic nervous system, known as the “rest and digest” response. This means you will digest your food more easily.

Hit the Reset Button

  1. Take a Walk Outside Every Day: Just being out in nature lowers your blood pressure, wards off memory loss, and improves your mood. Walking, though it may seem like a simple task, is actually quite complex for the brain to do. According to neuroscientist, Shane O’Mara, because so many brain systems are working at once, walking “works as an anti-depressant, an aid to learning, and a huge creativity booster.”

  2. Set your priorities: Having clear priorities can help you say no to things that you don’t have time or energy to do. Learning to say no is an important way to set boundaries to protect your time and well-being. It’s also important to devote space to actually write down what’s important to you as a reminder and a way to move forward with focus. To identify your values, ask yourself 3 questions. What qualities do you appreciate in other people? What inspires you most? How would you like to be remembered?

I hope these strategies help you to slow down and create a more energized and revitalized version of yourself.

If you’re tired of moving too fast through life and feeling stressed about work or life goals, let’s chat. Book a reset session for free.


What the heck are boundaries?