Spark well-being at work and at home

Thrive with personalized career transition & well-being coaching

Have you lost your spark at work and at home?

  • You’re not sure where to focus and unclear what direction to take with your current or next role

  • You’re exploring all the possibilities but unsure of what will be the best fit for you

  • You feel like you’re rushing through life and/or watching your kids grow quickly before your eyes

  • You’re feeling low on confidence and overwhelmed by your to do list

  • You’re not taking care of your mental and physical well-being

  • You know you want to make a change but you’re not sure what steps to take

Enjoying your work & life doesn’t have to feel like it’s out of your control.

Feel good at work

Be present for your family

Reignite your spark

I have been exactly where you are and I know there is a way out of the overwhelm.

Imagine feeling confident in yourself and getting clear on your next steps so you can understand what’s important to you now, what brings you joy at work, AND allows you to enjoy life.

It’s time to hire an experienced career coach and parent who’s been there and done it. Someone who can empower you with the skills and tools to take charge of your career and life.

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Kasia

I’m a mother, partner, creative, empath, business strategist, and career coach.

When I became a mother over a decade ago, I encountered the same challenges you might be facing today.

Despite knowing I was a confident and competent person, I suddenly felt helpless, stuck, and frustrated that I couldn’t just “figure it out” with my career.

Since then I have made several, successful transitions to different industries and roles thanks in large part to the experienced coaches and mentors who’ve helped me along the way.

And I’m here to show you that you can do it too.

If you’re ready to take control of your life and work, let’s work together and find the career path that will help you live life to the fullest.


Book a call

Book a personalized, complimentary 30-minute discovery call and let’s work together to get you clarity, clear action steps, and a confidence boost.


Stay accountable & plan

Create space to reset and focus, reflect on what’s important to you, discover what may be holding you back, and develop an accountability plan together.



Unlock your confidence at work and at home. Shift your mindset to achieve your goals faster. Take charge of your career.

Happy Clients

Kasia was positive and full of empathy during our sessions. Her effective, refreshing, and curated content for each session enabled me to transform my well-being mindset. She also supported me with my career goals as well as how to create a more mindful approach to relationships.

Theresa N., Health Industry Leader

Before working with Kasia, I was feeling hopeless and unmotivated in my job search. Through coaching, I learned more about myself, what makes me take action, and what lights me up. Our time together was a self-care practice and a space to reset each week. Through daily reflections and cultivating an easy-to-get-done mindfulness practice, I was able to see things in a new light, stay motivated, and ultimately land the job I wanted.

Jennifer G., Marketing Leader

Kasia is amazing at listening and taking what she hears and turning it into actionable thoughts and ideas. Her process was exactly what I needed to clarify my career direction and help me understand how to land my next position that is more aligned with my values.

Tracy W., Director, Product Marketing

“I hired Kasia because my role wasn’t filling my cup. I felt overwhelmed by what was next because I had a lot of ideas and interests. I needed support to untangle my ideas. In my exploration with Kasia, I realized the value of my relationships and expertise gathered over the last decade. Long story short, it feels like I am “coming home” to my new career and I’m so happy!”

Sarah D., Entrepreneur & Brand Storyteller

Kasia is not only a sensitive and intelligent coach but she also possesses a wonderful sense of humor that she uses expertly when appropriate. It provides a fresh perspective and enough laughter to release you from the tension that may be keeping you from stepping forward. I always feel better and lighter after a session with her. Thank you, Kasia!

Larissa L., Professional Organizer & Coach

Kasia takes large issues and concerns and breaks them down into achievable action items that actually yield change. She also helped me remember that I am a better mom, partner, friend, and employee when I prioritize self-care.

Randi S, Software Industry Leader

Need a resume refresh?

Sprucing up your resume can feel like the last thing you want to tackle on your to do list. Take the stress out of it with my free resume audit checklist that gives you momentum starters and valuable tips to update your resume with ease.

Let’s work together to reignite your spark